jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012


This is Manuel García, a chilean author and Singer, who founded the band Mecánica Popular. He was born in 1970, in Arica. Since 2005 his music has became relatively famous, along with other chilean singers like Nano Stern, Chinoy, Gepe and Camila Moreno. His music is a mix of Trova (a music style), Folk and a little bit of rock. I like his music because it says things you go through everyday, so you can relate with them. Besides, he worries about the social problems we have, wich you can notice in his lyrics, and in the fact that he was the voice of the Project Victor Jara sinfónico One of mi favourite songs is Témpera, because is one of the songs that he sings with more passion, and because it has very strong lyrics.

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

Different Opinions

I will choose five question about my opinions, and I will answer.
I would like to invite them give your opinions about this questions or others topic your interesting.

What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?

I think they are a group undependable because they have not demonstrated concordance with their thinking, words and works. I think this group should worry about all society, not only for business, because  the people not are a business

What is your opinion about violence on television?

simply I say "turn off TV and turn on your life", I think the TV is so much advense for the liberty of society and relations with the persons.

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

I believe legalizing marijuana is good. I think decrease the drug traffic, with this the conflicts inter drugged and consumer drugs because every one consumer drug could have its own marijuana plant.

Whta is your opinion about recycling?

recycling it is the true form for care for our planet. I think the people should be aware about this topic, because this is very beneficial, also, for the persons. 
For be consciously about this topic just necessary to practicar habits and make usual.

What is your opinion about killing stray dogs?

I hate this plan, stray dogs ever will exist; I believe the solution to stray dogs is EDUCATION about esponsible care, without this happened stray dogs never will end.